NPC Madame Shirley

A NPC Madame Shirley é responsável por converter Conqueror Tokens por Honores Tokens.
(leia mais sobre os tokens aqui)
Você: hi
Madame Shirley: Hello, my name is Shirley and I work for the Brotherhood Duelist. Since i can't join the new Tournament in Kanto Coliseum, i can trade my Honored Tokens for yours Conqueror Tokens. Would you like to do it?
Você: yes
Madame Shirley: Wow, I really appreciate that. How many tokens do you want to trade?
Você: 100 (quantidade de Conqueror tokens que você quer trocar)
Madame Shirley: Are you sure that you want to trade?
Você: yes
Madame Shirley: Here, take 100 tokens! Thanks for helping me!
Madame Shirley: If need more tokens, como back here.
Você: bye
Madame Shirley: See ya!