Arena PxG

The Arena PxG is a common place for all servers, where you can find powerful opponents to duel. To enter the arena, just click the icon 'Arena'.
You can also join ranked duels with Honored Tokens as rewards on your source server.
Commands in Arena PxG:
!duel (to joing the queue and find an opponent on your level)
!rank (with this command is possible to see Ranking, you can consult your SDR and your CAP.)
SDR (Solo Duel Rating) indicating your strength in ranked Duel, and it is also what defines your opponents in the arena.
CAP (Capacity) is how many tokens you can collect in the week, this amount may increase as its SDR increases.
Table of CAPxSDR
100 CAP = 2000 SDR
95 CAP = 1940 SDR
90 CAP = 1910 SDR
85 CAP = 1880 SDR
80 CAP = 1850 SDR
75 CAP = 1820 SDR
70 CAP = 1790 SDR
65 CAP = 1760 SDR
60 CAP = 1730 SDR
55 CAP = 1700 SDR
50 CAP = 1670 SDR
45 CAP = 1640 SDR
40 CAP = 1610 SDR
35 CAP = 1580 SDR
30 CAP = 1550 SDR
25 CAP = 1520 SDR
20 CAP = 1490 SDR
15 CAP = 1460 SDR
10 CAP = 1430 SDR
05 CAP = 1400 SDR